27/07/2024 · 1pm - 5pm

Community Fun Day

Our Commitment

Our Community Investment Team is committed to developing trusted partnerships and delivering long-term support to Clapham Park residents; helping to address the key issues affecting the community and the people who live there.

Our Resident and Community Empowerment Strategy aims to tackle the root causes of inequality. In line with this, we will work with residents and key stakeholders to address local issues, with a view to having a robust and long term impact on those affected. A series of community and data led activities will be delivered, revolving around the key aim of making a tangible, positive difference to individuals and the community as a whole.

We are committed to ensuring that the community has access to the support they need, including:

Training and employment programme

Supporting local residents into training and employment opportunities across a range of sectors and levels. This includes pre-employment and in-work support, traineeships and apprenticeships, employer engagement, job search advice, and access to job opportunities.


Capacity building support for Lambeth-based businesses to enable them to secure a range of contracts that come out of the regeneration.

Social Value

Ensuring that all tendered contractors are delivered against Metropolitan Thames Valley’s Social Value policy, in order to add to community investment within Clapham Park community.

Tackling inequality

Community Coordinators, Resident Voice Coordinators and Resident Connectors play a key role in delivering our strategy across Clapham Park.

Community Coordinators work with partners and the community to understand needs and tackle issues that create inequality within Clapham Park. Such issues can be addressed through:

    • Activities that support young people to utilise their skills and broaden their career horizons
    • Activities addressing community safety and tackling the root causes of violence
    • Activities to address health inequalities
    • Activities that address child poverty
    • Engagement activities for children and young people

Resident Connectors will also be based within the community. Delivering one-to-one support, their role sees them address individual needs and connect residents with the right resources and organisations to overcome barriers and achieve ambitions.

Resident Voice Coordinators focus on ensuring our support is directly informed by Clapham Park residents. In this role, coordinators proactively reach out to the whole community, including residents whose voices are often under represented. This helps to make sure that activities, workshops and other support is relevant, relatable and of benefit to residents.

Resident Voice Coordinators will also engage with residents to understand how best to utilise the Clapham Park Cube so it delivers activities that meet the needs of all residents. In particular, residents and households facing the following issues will be engaged:

    • Those constantly worrying about how to pay the next bill and struggling to get by
    • Families affected by child poverty
    • Young people with little hope for the future
    • Residents with a lack of access to appropriate health and social care services
    • Residents living poor physical and mental health

Overall, our core aim is to work in a more focused way that empowers residents and communities to live well and achieve their potential.